Sudden Take Off

Can I do this? Mum, Dad, Ryan, me buckle up our seats. I’m trembling my hands are shaking. I am EXTREMELY nervous. A man comes around to do seat checks. I freeze and don’t move again until he turns his back and walks away. Over a loud speaker, a man warns us that take off will be very soon. Suddenly it jerks me forward and we are off. I feel a hard pound in my chest. I’m so terrified I start sweating and the adrenaline starts to kick in. A quick scream and I feel better. Finally!! starting to enjoy it but it was still so extreme. We were going up, up, up then we get to the top of the metal train tracks, but then we drop down, down, down. Around the bends and curve’s. I feel sick to my stomach. It’s roasting hot I feel like I’m about to drop dead. Finally we go up and around the last few curve’s and over a massive bump that makes me feel like I’m going to fall out. We start to slow down as we pull into the unloading tunnel, where we take off our seat belts as the next lot of people are loaded. Me and mum talk. She asked me how the ride went even though she went with me??. I explained to her that “it was fun but super terrifying and I was sweating and shaking the whole time” Mum was very happy that I enjoyed it but understood that it was very scary. Mum also asked “would you ever do it again”?? I replied “no, not anytime soon” But my brother had other ideas about the big adult roller coaster ride.

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