An Aliens New Life

The deep grey alien ( Will ) stares at the ray of light that beams through, he manages to stare at it for a long time. Will’s whole life he’s only been surrounded by the light of fire, that dragons breath. Everyday his twin brother and sisters would walk around in the dark, questioning “what it would be like to see the world?


Until one day, a ferocious dog came chasing after him, and he ran into this new world, there was light, and he could see everything. It’s seems all he can think about is that dog, he was so thankful that it came to his rescue, but sad that the dog couldn’t come with him, because it was too aggressive. Will walks away, until he is standing below a tiny little door that leads into his room. He is so shocked that there is actually light in his room, It’s probably because it has been such a long road of darkness for him to get here.


Little things really started to shock Will, like when he was hungry earlier he could actually see what he was eating, he got to explore through all the treasures that he had collected over the years. At the very bottom of his treasure box were little glass bottles with cork lids full of potions. At first he had no clue what they were so ignored them and walked away. 


Although this one shocked him the most, while exploring his room, he came across an $100 bill, hanging out from underneath his mattress, he decided to lift it up and underneath was 1 million dollars just sitting there, waiting for him. Will went on lots of long walks in the outside world, but was most fascinated by the beach, all the beach balls flying everywhere, and kids playing in the waves amazed him. 


Will read lots of stories, but his favourite were about pirates. Watching movies were what he did in his down time, he’s obsessed with Zac Effron movies. Will even started going to church, but has been turned off it, cause the pope is creepy. He’s convinced that one of these days he is going to touch the end of a rainbow. He has casted many spells out of all the potion’s buried in the bottom of his treasure box. 


Leaping around the house, playing and jumping under, over and around furniture, then quickly turning around, and doing it in the opposite direction, is what he does  when he is bored. He has managed to convince himself, that he is a parkour master. Will loved it and spent the rest of his life being, happy and helping his community, and the people in it. His journey has been very long and tiring but very fun. 


By Chloe Ruddle

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