Chapter One Of – Tassle the Saving Mustang – By Chloe Ruddle

  1. Chapter 1

The deep grey mustang “Tassel” stands astride her owner. Soft twinkles in her eye shows that she’s kind, caring and will look after her master. 12-year-old Sarah and 10-year-old Meladayne Harvey, loved roaming around the family farm, it was their favourite things to do. “ Those Harvey sisters are nuts” the little, country town would say. They would gallop across fields, jump over logs and fallen trees all day long if they could. Mrs & Mr Harvey would basically have to drag them off their horses at dinner time.

All along Sarah knew that there was something pure and unique about Tassel, the form she moved in and they way she acted, it was so different than any other horse she had ridden before. Tassel was so gentle and delicate with just everything. Sarah had trained Tassel very well, she was skilful, resilient and calm in tense situations. But one day trouble struck, they Harvey sisters set out on a mission to go to the river to have a picnic. So, before they left Mrs Harvey packed a back pack, with food, a first aid kit, a phone and plenty of water. Mrs Harvey warned them to be careful about the cliff edge, and to make sure that the rivers weren’t to high to cross, Mrs Harvey was concerned about the cliff edge but didn’t want to fuss, because they have done it thousands of times before. Eventually, after an eager wait, the girls were allowed to set out, they followed the trail just like they had many times before, across the field, though the pine trees, over the stream, and on they go.

By Chloe Ruddle

P.S More chapters to come

These I have Loved

The clear stream, swiftly drifts down the gully 

Kids laughing and discreetly exchanging secrets

The swings were squeaking

While the rest of the kids were hiding and seeking

Some Lettuce From my sandwich fell to the ground

And all was silent until there was a massive sound

I feel very calm,While staring at the back of my palm. 

The games we were playing, Is what teachers were saying 

And as the day wound down, silence surrounded the little town

By Chloe Ruddle

Term 3 Reflection

Reading – Reading this term has been very fun we have done a balance of device work and book work. There has been challenges and times where I struggled to find an answer but it has all been at my level and not something I couldn’t do I just had to try hard enough. I’m really enjoying SRA at the moment.

Writing – This term we have done a lot of persuasive writing pieces. It was okay I really like writing,but not being able to pick subjects that we are passionate or interested in but it wasn’t to bad.

Math – Maths this term was good I have learnt a lot of new ways to display information in graphs so it was quite fun.

Topic – Topic was fun we did a lot of research about St John’s & Lions Club. A memorable moment for topic was when me and my group found out and had proof that a whole site and animal was fake

PE – PE was good this term fun we played a variety of physically demanding games and exercises.

Stars on Stage – Stars on stage was probably one of the most memorable moments of term 3. We took a massive trip down to the regent theatre in dunedin. Before the whole real performance we had some fun by performing our dance in the octagon in front of everyone. It was such a good night with my friends and experience that I will never forget.


An Aliens New Life

The deep grey alien ( Will ) stares at the ray of light that beams through, he manages to stare at it for a long time. Will’s whole life he’s only been surrounded by the light of fire, that dragons breath. Everyday his twin brother and sisters would walk around in the dark, questioning “what it would be like to see the world?


Until one day, a ferocious dog came chasing after him, and he ran into this new world, there was light, and he could see everything. It’s seems all he can think about is that dog, he was so thankful that it came to his rescue, but sad that the dog couldn’t come with him, because it was too aggressive. Will walks away, until he is standing below a tiny little door that leads into his room. He is so shocked that there is actually light in his room, It’s probably because it has been such a long road of darkness for him to get here.


Little things really started to shock Will, like when he was hungry earlier he could actually see what he was eating, he got to explore through all the treasures that he had collected over the years. At the very bottom of his treasure box were little glass bottles with cork lids full of potions. At first he had no clue what they were so ignored them and walked away. 


Although this one shocked him the most, while exploring his room, he came across an $100 bill, hanging out from underneath his mattress, he decided to lift it up and underneath was 1 million dollars just sitting there, waiting for him. Will went on lots of long walks in the outside world, but was most fascinated by the beach, all the beach balls flying everywhere, and kids playing in the waves amazed him. 


Will read lots of stories, but his favourite were about pirates. Watching movies were what he did in his down time, he’s obsessed with Zac Effron movies. Will even started going to church, but has been turned off it, cause the pope is creepy. He’s convinced that one of these days he is going to touch the end of a rainbow. He has casted many spells out of all the potion’s buried in the bottom of his treasure box. 


Leaping around the house, playing and jumping under, over and around furniture, then quickly turning around, and doing it in the opposite direction, is what he does  when he is bored. He has managed to convince himself, that he is a parkour master. Will loved it and spent the rest of his life being, happy and helping his community, and the people in it. His journey has been very long and tiring but very fun. 


By Chloe Ruddle

The Killers Attack

Desperate to get away from the killer, greedily I pick up someone’s bicycle, distressed I pedal as fast as I can. The night was black, it surrounded me with fear. The chain pops off, and the bike comes to a halt, the mustard yellow of the killers top, gets closer and closer. I leap off the bike and start running, across the park, over the bridge and into the forest. Shivers run down my spine, my arms and legs are covered in goosebumps. I hide and the killer passes without seeing me. My mum warned me that this could happen. 


100 word challenge – By Chloe Ruddle

Why the James Hargest Exchange Shouldn’t be Canceled

Why James Hargest Should not be Cancelled.


The James Hargest exchange is when James Hargest an Invercargill school come here, to Oamaru Intermediate school to compete in a series of series of sports, in a battle out for a shield. In my opinion it’s fun, we make new friends and connections, get fit and healthy and the competition and respect we have for each other is immaculate.


Firstly, I think that James Hargest exchange, is a good way to make new friends and connections. We end up making lifelong connections with other boys and girls our age. What better way to make friends than doing it over a sport that you both like and enjoy playing. 


Secondly, it’s an option to participate for the people that don’t want to play a sport. But for the people that do like sports, and make the decision to play it’s so fun. And good on them for taking they time out of their day to practice and to stay fit and healthy.  


Penultimately, the competition is fun, we may not always win that sport, or the sheild but we come out, knowing that we tried our best, and should be really proud of ourselves for it.


In conclusion the James Hargest exchange shouldn’t be canceled because it’s fun, we meet new people, make connections, and it’s a great way to stay fit and healthy. 


By Chloe Ruddle

Te Anau Poem

Te Anau was a usual enough: It had

Shops, a lake, a park, a bridge, and 

lots of hiking tracks. 

My brother, friends, and I 

did what kids do – we raced to the 

swing, fought over the flying fox, 

went biscuiting and tried to push each 

other off, hiked through the bushes 

and made campfires, pretending that 

we were stranded

Doing nothing important


100 word challenge

The sun beamed down on the black curved corners, shade covered all the buildings in the background making them dark. The yellow shirt and dark blue jeans stood out from the others colours. They looked up at the massive objects, shade covered the hot men. No cars drove pass, it was just buildings and seats. The blocks had seven dots on each and the black had turned into a smudged grey in the lighting. The shadow of the man mimicked his every move, His hat pointed in the opposite direction as him keeping his face out of the strong sun.


My Blogging Experience

At first I felt that blogging was a bit boring but when I realised how to use the site properly I finally started to enjoy and settle down during blogging time and I ended up always so eager to complete and post a new thing. My favourite post so far has been one that I have recently posted about the Kaimanawa horses and their plight and rights in this country. I think one thing that really made this post a highlight for me is because it’s on a subject that I love and show a lot of interest in plus I know a lot about them so it made it really fun, exciting and simple to write because I didn’t have to put heaps and heaps of thought into it. One thing that made me realise how much love I share for my horse passion is when someone realised that just through a totally different subject they could realise how passionate I was about horses and their plight just through my writing so that was quite inspiring to realise. But things may not always be as simple as they are written on you screen it about reading between the lines while reading your own work and other people’s and I have realised that this is something that I need to work on while I am reading work. And before jumping to the gun to aim at the writer make sure you definitely know the point you want to get back across to them. And make sure that it was worth it.
-Chloe Ruddle

Kaimanawa Heritage Wild Horses

Kaimanawa wild horses they are just as they sound yes they are wild animals but they aren´t as feral and as horrible as you think. They are based in the Kaimanawa ranges in the North Island which is basically just a bunch of mountains, fields and dry grass. They actually make very good farm horses because they are very strong and have sturdy feet.

Every two years they do a round up to keep the numbers of wild horses controlled, they round up 150-200 every two years to keep about 300 wild. People can pay $250 dollars to buy a wild horse. The biggest problem is that if they are not all re-homed the leftover horses have to be sent to slaughter. They don’t want to but they have to, because if the number of wild horses get to high then there isn’t enough grass and water and some horses end up starving to death or dying of dehydration.

But this is a  problem and we as people and as a protection of these wild animals need to make these horses known, raise and awareness for the sad defenceless  ones that have to have to go to slaughter. They mostly try to make those horses that go to slaughter the one that have injures or ex injuries that wouldn’t cope  with pressure, but that isn’t always possible and sometimes it’s foals and yearlings.

But the twist with these wild horses everything is a surprise which might put  some people off, cause every horse run down the race to be sorted into groups they write a big number on their bum which ends up going into the draw. In the other hand say a horse has an injury or an ex injury you have to adopt them from the (Kaimanawa Heritage horses) KHH if you get there before they get sent to slaughter, but you get to choose the horse that you take.

They really want to make sure that these horses have the best future and home possible by doing property checks, before you can take the horse.

So please if we just start with the small amount of horses in New Zealand maybe in the future we could save the Brumbies in Australia, Mustangs in America and there is up to thousands of them being culled so one adoption can make all the difference in the world.

Make wild horses known and before you come up with a million reasons why you should ignore this message remember they are here because of us and now they are dying because of us.

Image result for kaimanawas

A quote I love is : My scars are just a reminder to me of every horse fight and battle I won. These horses need to be free they need to run with the wind, dance with the rivers and fly with the sky, they deserve freedom to.